Selfies; but make it art

Hey, Hi, Hello

Boudoir photographers have the unique privilege of helping individuals celebrate their bodies and embrace self-love through their images. Its all about celebrating yourself and fostering self-confidence. When turning the camera around on themselves, or at least in my experience, it can be an eye opening and challenging experience full of struggles and understanding.

Personally, I usually dislike doing any kind of self portraits for a multitude of reasons. For one, its super difficult setting up a tripod and taking images without seeing what my camera sees. For those who have worked with me know that I'm an extremely active photographer; i am always moving around to ensure i get as many angles as possible. Then there’s always the element of vulnerability and insecurity. I for one cant help but grill myself on whether a image of myself is "worth" posting, or if it is am I coming off as self centered? Its very easy to be confronted with my own body insecurities during this process as well. Unfortunately most of us have things about our physical selves that we don’t love, and that’s ok. All we can do is be gentle and kind with ourselves. Tearing ourselves down doesn’t serve us and embracing our "flaws" is what makes photography so exciting; no two people are exactly alike and that’s freaking awesome.

One thing I do appreciate about taking self portraits however is ensuring i don’t lose the sense of empathy for my clients. If i don’t know how it feels to be in front of the camera, how on earth can i expect anyone to feel their best being in front of it? Boudoir can be an emotional process and its important that i know what feelings my clients may have before, during, and after a session. I need to ensure that my clients feel safe and heard above all else. Taking self portraits is one way of staying connected and being familiar with the feelings that may come up for them.

Taking self-portraits as a boudoir photographer is a powerful journey of self-discovery and self-love. While it may come with its share of uncomfyness, the importance of this experience cannot be overstated. Through self-portraits, boudoir photographers can gain empathy, empower themselves, and grow both personally and professionally. So, don't hesitate to step in front of the camera and capture your own intimate moments.

Casey Chapman